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Match 16 paints from Wolverine Siding with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Wolverine Siding paint by mixing other colors. Convert Wolverine Siding paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
800 Snow
RGB (230, 229, 222)
801 Almond
RGB (215, 202, 175)
805 Pewter
RGB (181, 181, 178)
807 Clay
RGB (161, 149, 134)
809 Wicker
RGB (189, 174, 153)
810 Shale
RGB (161, 172, 177)
817 Cream
RGB (247, 230, 196)
819 Herringbone
RGB (210, 202, 189)
822 Pacific
RGB (89, 103, 110)
823 Sable
RGB (113, 101, 91)
824 Ivy
RGB (93, 113, 109)
827 Champagne
RGB (234, 226, 213)
832 Ice
RGB (200, 206, 205)
833 Sand
RGB (202, 186, 170)
836 Wheat
RGB (206, 179, 154)
901 Ivory
RGB (239, 225, 202)