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How to mix colors?
Start by clicking the 'show mixer' button at the bottom of the screen. This will open the mixer, where you'll find an empty canvas and a set of starting colors below it. When you click on a color, 1 unit of virtual paint will be added to the canvas. You can add 2, 3, or more different colors to create your desired mix, simulating a real-world paint mixing experience.
Can I change starting colors?
Yes, you can change the starting colors. To do so, click on the gear icon located to the left of the starting colors. This will open a window where you can select one of the predefined starting palettes or create your own custom palette by clicking on the "+ new" button.
What is 'Target' button and how to use it?
The target button allows you to choose a desired color that you want to achieve while mixing your starting colors. Think of it like a lighthouse guiding you towards your target color. Once the target is enabled, you'll be able to see the match rate, which indicates how close the resulting mix is to your desired target color.
How to use 'Get Mix' button?
Once the target color is enabled, click the "Get Mix" button to automatically determine how to mix the starting colors to achieve the target color. If you want to adjust the precision of the algorithm, click the "Adjust" button located next to the "Get Mix" button.
What is 'Used colors' block?
The 'Used Colors' block displays all of the starting colors that you've used to create your palette. This allows you to easily keep track of the colors that you've already used, and helps you to create a cohesive color palette.
How to add a color to the palette?
To add a color to your palette, start by mixing a few colors together. Once you've achieved the desired result, you'll see the resulting color with its name displayed on the canvas. Below the name, you'll find an 'add' button. Simply click on it, and the color will be added to your palette.
How to remove a color from the palette?
To remove a color from your palette, simply click on the color you wish to remove, and then click the 'remove' button that appears in the opened window.
How to reorder colors?
To reorder your colors, simply click on the desired color and then use the left or right buttons in the opened window to move the color to your desired position.
How to rename a color?
To rename a color in your palette, simply click on the color you wish to rename and then click the 'pencil' button located next to the color's current name.
How to edit a color?
If you want to edit a color that you've already added to your palette, you can't do it directly. However, there's a simple solution: click on the color you want to edit to open a color details modal. Then, click the 'open in mixer' button. This will close the color details modal and open the mixer. Adjust the color to your liking, and click 'add' to save your changes. Finally, if needed, you can click the initial color and remove it from your palette.
Can I share my palette with others?
Absolutely! You have few options to share your palette with others. Firstly, you can click the 'Share' button and select 'Export' to download your palette as a PDF file. Alternatively, you can click 'Copy link', which will generate a link to your palette that you can share with others. This will enable them to save and use your palette in color mixer. Please note that you must first save your palette before sharing the link.
How to remove my palette?
To remove your palette, click on the 'more' button (3 dots) and select 'Remove'. This will permanently delete your palette and cannot be undone, so be sure to export or save any important information before proceeding with the deletion.
How to start a new palette?
To start a new palette, click on the 'more' button (three dots) and select the '+ New' button. This will generate a new palette template for you to work on. Don't worry, your current palette will be automatically saved so you won't lose any of your previous work.
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