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Match 4781 paints from True Value with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get True Value paint by mixing other colors. Convert True Value paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
01A1 Dusky Pink
RGB (238, 230, 231)
01A2 Tulip Rose
RGB (244, 234, 238)
01A3 Eraser Pink
RGB (239, 217, 228)
01A4 Tulle
RGB (237, 199, 211)
01A5 Intimacy
RGB (234, 170, 186)
01A6 Pash
RGB (216, 111, 138)
01A7 Tickled Pink
RGB (183, 66, 94)
01B1 Ardent Love
RGB (240, 232, 235)
01B2 Capulet
RGB (241, 224, 233)
01B3 Flower Power
RGB (244, 196, 212)
01B4 Harlequin
RGB (221, 156, 191)
01B5 Wink
RGB (212, 125, 168)
01B6 Pixie
RGB (190, 79, 139)
01B7 Bullseye
RGB (157, 26, 68)
01C1 Salt Water Taffy
RGB (230, 223, 222)
01C2 Cherry Tree
RGB (231, 218, 222)
01C3 Pink Grapefruit
RGB (222, 205, 210)
01C4 Maestro
RGB (207, 183, 192)
01C5 Ensemble
RGB (198, 160, 175)
01C6 Cone Flower
RGB (154, 100, 121)