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Match 72 paints from Tnemec with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Tnemec paint by mixing other colors. Convert Tnemec paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
06SF (formerly SC09) Candy Apple Red/Safety
RGB (179, 69, 65)
06WH Albatross
RGB (234, 232, 223)
07BL Blue Steel
RGB (67, 89, 110)
07BR Caramel
RGB (163, 118, 76)
07GN Otis
RGB (61, 110, 109)
07GR Cinder Cone
RGB (84, 92, 111)
07RD (formerly EN13) Terra Cotta
RGB (125, 82, 73)
07SF (formerly SC10) Chilean Red
RGB (140, 56, 57)
07YW Early Wheat
RGB (206, 156, 62)
105GN Alfalfa
RGB (93, 103, 76)
112GN Foliage
RGB (91, 94, 76)
119GN Mistletoe
RGB (110, 105, 69)
126GN Mountain Fir
RGB (109, 104, 82)
133GN Avocado
RGB (97, 90, 70)
13WH French Vanilla
RGB (227, 219, 203)
140GN Peat Moss
RGB (108, 95, 71)
147GN Turtle Shell
RGB (125, 107, 73)
14BL Cadet Blue
RGB (58, 95, 121)
14BR Syrup
RGB (185, 119, 68)
14GN Bluegrass
RGB (46, 119, 95)