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Match 281 paints from Solver with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Solver paint by mixing other colors. Convert Solver paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
0701 Driftwood
RGB (208, 188, 172)
0704 Tucker Box
RGB (224, 196, 165)
0706 Wiluna
RGB (235, 205, 164)
0707 Foam Green
RGB (205, 213, 188)
0708 Reedbed
RGB (214, 203, 179)
0709 Waxflower
RGB (228, 236, 221)
0710 Saltbush
RGB (201, 197, 167)
0714 Coorong Sands
RGB (230, 213, 188)
0715 Brolga
RGB (243, 221, 189)
0716 Cottonseed
RGB (235, 218, 188)
0723 Blanche Water
RGB (234, 214, 194)
0724 Canegrass
RGB (193, 180, 139)
0727 Native Lime
RGB (191, 170, 104)
0730 Barley
RGB (210, 162, 90)
0731 Gumbelia
RGB (168, 151, 95)
0737 Stardust
RGB (227, 230, 211)
0739 Murray Cliffs
RGB (232, 199, 149)
0741 Artic Blue
RGB (73, 155, 170)
0742 Pink Granite
RGB (165, 119, 93)
0743 Ochre Trace
RGB (235, 197, 158)