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Match 2141 paints from Rona with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Rona paint by mixing other colors. Convert Rona paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
10013 Bolero
RGB (161, 59, 69)
10025 Hollywood Star
RGB (167, 69, 83)
10033 Vivid Coral
RGB (185, 83, 102)
10043 Princess Dress
RGB (209, 123, 141)
10052 Pretty In Pink
RGB (227, 144, 162)
10061 Dragee
RGB (241, 178, 195)
10071 Cotton Candy
RGB (247, 200, 210)
10081 Pink Frost
RGB (250, 222, 228)
10115 Cupid
RGB (174, 62, 69)
10123 Rosebud
RGB (181, 72, 87)
10133 India Pink
RGB (198, 86, 101)
10143 Charming Pink
RGB (220, 112, 137)
10152 Fairytale
RGB (234, 144, 169)
10162 Pink Frosting
RGB (245, 173, 193)
10171 Pink Porcelaine
RGB (253, 213, 223)
10181 Pink Feather
RGB (251, 230, 233)
10215 Classic Red
RGB (138, 64, 65)
10225 Euro Red
RGB (167, 64, 70)
10235 Audacieux
RGB (198, 82, 93)
10242 Sassy
RGB (246, 152, 160)