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Match 1344 paints from Richards with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Richards paint by mixing other colors. Convert Richards paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
Richard's Paint 2001P Pink Petunia
RGB (244, 225, 231)
Richard's Paint 2002P Pink Meadow
RGB (243, 217, 230)
Richard's Paint 2003P Peppermint Pink
RGB (240, 205, 225)
Richard's Paint 2004P Penelope
RGB (236, 189, 216)
Richard's Paint 2005T Candytuft
RGB (229, 168, 204)
Richard's Paint 2006D Cloverdale
RGB (221, 148, 190)
Richard's Paint 2007D Capella
RGB (211, 128, 174)
Richard's Paint 2008A Bridal Rose
RGB (164, 67, 111)
Richard's Paint 2011P Luxury
RGB (246, 233, 236)
Richard's Paint 2012P Lovely Lavender
RGB (240, 215, 226)
Richard's Paint 2013P Loves Park
RGB (236, 202, 221)
Richard's Paint 2014T Cameo Pink
RGB (229, 189, 212)
Richard's Paint 2015T Katrina
RGB (221, 162, 193)
Richard's Paint 2016D Lovelady
RGB (192, 128, 160)
Richard's Paint 2017A Lucious
RGB (172, 102, 133)
Richard's Paint 2018A Halifax
RGB (138, 73, 98)
Richard's Paint 2021P Violet Light
RGB (245, 225, 228)
Richard's Paint 2022P Pink Pearl
RGB (242, 217, 223)
Richard's Paint 2023P Pongee Pink
RGB (238, 199, 211)
Richard's Paint 2024T Dogwood Bloom
RGB (229, 185, 201)