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Match 174 paints from Oracal with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Oracal paint by mixing other colors. Convert Oracal paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
020 Golden Yellow
RGB (255, 162, 0)
021 Yellow
RGB (255, 186, 0)
028 Cardinal Red
RGB (183, 60, 64)
036 Light Orange
RGB (226, 111, 60)
084 Sky Blue
RGB (0, 139, 187)
098 Gentian
RGB (0, 107, 159)
172 Powder Blue
RGB (170, 202, 222)
173 Geyser Blue
RGB (89, 185, 205)
174 Teal
RGB (0, 145, 153)
201 Crocus Yellow
RGB (246, 212, 68)
223M Matte Saffron Yellow
RGB (251, 163, 63)
235 Canary Yellow
RGB (240, 206, 40)
256 Cargo Yellow
RGB (241, 184, 20)
285M Matte Nato Olive
RGB (78, 81, 71)
286 Bottle Green
RGB (70, 76, 67)
305 Geranium Red
RGB (176, 66, 65)
312 Burgundy
RGB (120, 62, 63)
363 Daggi Orange
RGB (216, 93, 46)
371 Chili Red
RGB (155, 55, 61)
391 Persimmon
RGB (205, 127, 70)