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Match 19 paints from Mid America Building Products with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Mid America Building Products paint by mixing other colors. Convert Mid America Building Products paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
01 White
RGB (237, 231, 219)
02 Black
RGB (59, 59, 61)
04 Wedgewood Blue
RGB (98, 115, 119)
08 Clay
RGB (157, 146, 131)
09 Federal Brown
RGB (97, 78, 74)
10 Musket Brown
RGB (84, 80, 78)
122 Midnight Green
RGB (65, 72, 71)
166 Midnight Blue
RGB (56, 69, 76)
167 Bordeaux
RGB (94, 68, 69)
18 Tuxedo Gray
RGB (98, 96, 97)
23 Wicker
RGB (185, 167, 142)
27 Burgundy Red
RGB (124, 74, 70)
28 Forest Green
RGB (72, 88, 85)
282 Colonial Green
RGB (116, 117, 96)
283 Moss
RGB (85, 90, 74)
284 Sage
RGB (169, 170, 150)
285 Plum
RGB (89, 80, 84)
36 Classic Blue
RGB (60, 80, 94)
78 Wineberry
RGB (107, 67, 73)