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Match 164 paints from Major with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Major paint by mixing other colors. Convert Major paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
101 Orient Pink
RGB (224, 187, 170)
102 Rose Muse
RGB (232, 203, 188)
103 Karry
RGB (246, 220, 202)
104 Pale Pink
RGB (245, 214, 201)
10A Forest Green
RGB (108, 108, 75)
10B Forest Red
RGB (111, 65, 57)
10C Forest Brown
RGB (78, 54, 47)
10D Earth
RGB (64, 54, 49)
11 Symphony
RGB (220, 131, 122)
111 Saxe Grey
RGB (173, 173, 184)
112 Agate Grey
RGB (200, 200, 203)
113 Solitary
RGB (214, 216, 219)
114 Fleur
RGB (220, 223, 231)
11A Roof Green
RGB (75, 110, 66)
11B Roof Red
RGB (123, 48, 33)
11C Roof Brown
RGB (86, 54, 36)
11D Roof Grey
RGB (107, 113, 114)
12 Carnation
RGB (218, 142, 126)
121 Hussar Blue
RGB (153, 175, 212)
122 Zenith Blue
RGB (171, 191, 221)