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Match 1632 paints from Kilz with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Kilz paint by mixing other colors. Convert Kilz paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
A1 Slipper
RGB (239, 221, 217)
A10 Sweet Potato
RGB (232, 187, 148)
A11 Tawny Orange
RGB (223, 185, 156)
A12 Papaya Smoothie
RGB (235, 178, 157)
A13 Sunset Pink
RGB (237, 166, 156)
A14 Tomato Bisque
RGB (235, 169, 147)
A15 Lovely Pink
RGB (221, 163, 156)
A16 Party Pink
RGB (228, 169, 154)
A17 Red Sandstone
RGB (228, 160, 132)
A18 Rosey Brown
RGB (218, 158, 135)
A19 Dusted Carrot
RGB (227, 153, 103)
A2 Amaryllis
RGB (240, 209, 194)
A20 Jovial Orange
RGB (221, 143, 95)
A21 Lovebird
RGB (220, 148, 145)
A22 Orange Passion
RGB (223, 135, 110)
A23 Rumba
RGB (214, 128, 127)
A24 Luminous
RGB (205, 122, 94)
A25 Luminescent
RGB (185, 127, 104)
A26 Bougainvillea Petals
RGB (195, 105, 107)
A27 Cornelian Red
RGB (153, 66, 54)