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Match 4845 paints from Kelly Moore with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Kelly Moore paint by mixing other colors. Convert Kelly Moore paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
12 Sierra White
RGB (223, 222, 216)
14 Frost
RGB (236, 227, 211)
149 Green Thumb
RGB (55, 72, 65)
150 Mallard Green
RGB (53, 86, 73)
156 Riviera
RGB (87, 120, 121)
157 La Marina
RGB (109, 117, 111)
159 Sequoia Redwood
RGB (120, 66, 60)
160 Bravado
RGB (105, 62, 59)
163 Pacific Sand
RGB (209, 194, 182)
168 Full Sun
RGB (240, 200, 148)
169 Cashmere
RGB (251, 228, 196)
171 Sand Pebble
RGB (183, 160, 131)
174 Charcoal Gray
RGB (102, 101, 101)
178 Plymouth Gray
RGB (177, 177, 172)
186 Keystone
RGB (188, 182, 170)
188 Cypress
RGB (197, 185, 163)
196 Villita
RGB (147, 133, 112)
197 Wood Moss
RGB (156, 147, 132)
20 Western Acoustic
RGB (241, 234, 220)
200 Saddle Brown
RGB (100, 75, 62)