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Match 2952 paints from ICI with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get ICI paint by mixing other colors. Convert ICI paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
1 Exotic Pink
RGB (208, 130, 179)
10 Suave Mauve
RGB (204, 184, 193)
100 Matisse Rose
RGB (187, 166, 165)
1000 Tea Garden
RGB (185, 199, 165)
1001 Walden's Pond
RGB (193, 200, 181)
1001 Waldens Pond
RGB (193, 200, 181)
1002 Elysian Fields
RGB (196, 208, 177)
1003 Grey Star
RGB (208, 209, 204)
1004 Aviary Green
RGB (205, 211, 193)
1005 Kensington Park
RGB (199, 217, 173)
1006 Julep Ice
RGB (207, 218, 189)
1007 Greenville
RGB (203, 225, 173)
1008 Venetian Glass
RGB (208, 224, 185)
1009 Pale Vista
RGB (217, 223, 206)
101 Florida Pink
RGB (227, 151, 154)
1010 Nbc White
RGB (224, 225, 219)
1011 Lawnwood
RGB (218, 233, 196)
1012 Extreme White
RGB (233, 234, 227)
1013 Morning Hush
RGB (233, 235, 224)
1014 Fresh Cut
RGB (230, 237, 218)