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Match 4424 paints from Home Hardware with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Home Hardware paint by mixing other colors. Convert Home Hardware paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
1001 Temptation
RGB (62, 33, 53)
1002 Nirvana
RGB (100, 62, 108)
1003 Victorian Elegance
RGB (142, 109, 155)
1004 Viola
RGB (171, 142, 187)
1005 Margau
RGB (198, 175, 209)
1006 Morning Glory
RGB (219, 204, 225)
1007 Ethereal
RGB (227, 215, 227)
1008 Belladonna
RGB (63, 42, 72)
1009 Quebec City
RGB (88, 64, 109)
1010 Purple Haze
RGB (126, 106, 154)
1011 Harmonic
RGB (162, 144, 189)
1012 Euphoria
RGB (188, 175, 209)
1013 Perplex
RGB (218, 205, 224)
1014 Inspire
RGB (225, 216, 228)
1015 Pure Purple
RGB (53, 42, 74)
1016 Tyrian Purple
RGB (72, 62, 108)
1017 Rosalind
RGB (114, 109, 159)
1018 Forgetful
RGB (147, 145, 191)
1019 Allegro
RGB (180, 177, 211)
1020 Simplicity
RGB (206, 206, 225)