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Match 23 paints from Greenstar with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Greenstar paint by mixing other colors. Convert Greenstar paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
GS020 Sunflower
RGB (255, 172, 45)
GS022 Canary Yellow
RGB (255, 199, 26)
GS030 Real Red
RGB (170, 58, 63)
GS032 Tomato Red
RGB (193, 64, 60)
GS036 Orange
RGB (231, 103, 55)
GS041 Hottest Pink
RGB (201, 78, 127)
GS042 Like Lilac
RGB (182, 157, 193)
GS043 Lavender Lace
RGB (122, 114, 168)
GS045 Bubble Gum
RGB (237, 152, 196)
GS050 Light Navy
RGB (56, 72, 93)
GS051 Azure Blue
RGB (15, 102, 140)
GS053 Olympic Blue
RGB (0, 146, 194)
GS060 Forrest Green
RGB (44, 97, 81)
GS063 Lime Tree Green
RGB (124, 191, 78)
GS065 Sapphire Blue
RGB (51, 77, 123)
GS066 Aqua
RGB (0, 153, 154)
GS068 Green
RGB (42, 130, 90)
GS074 Middle Gray
RGB (175, 178, 178)
GS080 Chocolate
RGB (88, 72, 66)
GS312 Merlot
RGB (109, 64, 68)