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Match 148 paints from Farrow & Ball with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Farrow & Ball paint by mixing other colors. Convert Farrow & Ball paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
Lime White No.1
RGB (232, 222, 201)
Bone No.15
RGB (206, 195, 173)
Cord No.16
RGB (214, 195, 158)
Light Gray No.17
RGB (180, 166, 147)
French Gray No.18
RGB (181, 177, 154)
Lichen No.19
RGB (161, 161, 137)
Strong White No.2001
RGB (229, 224, 219)
White Tie No.2002
RGB (245, 236, 217)
Pointing No.2003
RGB (247, 241, 227)
Slipper Satin No.2004
RGB (232, 224, 209)
All White No.2005
RGB (251, 248, 244)
Great White No.2006
RGB (231, 222, 219)
Dimity No.2008
RGB (238, 227, 211)
Shaded White No.201
RGB (217, 210, 193)
James White No.2010
RGB (237, 233, 216)
Blackened No.2011
RGB (221, 219, 217)
House White No.2012
RGB (241, 230, 200)
Matchstick No.2013
RGB (228, 213, 188)
Pink Ground No.202
RGB (239, 214, 199)
Tallow No.203
RGB (253, 237, 215)