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Match 2849 paints from Dulux with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Dulux paint by mixing other colors. Convert Dulux paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
00 A 01 Portland
RGB (213, 211, 205)
00 A 03 Dove Grey
RGB (200, 199, 194)
00 A 05 Cumulus
RGB (173, 173, 171)
00 A 07 Goosewing
RGB (151, 152, 152)
00 A 09 Flint
RGB (127, 128, 130)
00 A 11 Battleship
RGB (102, 102, 102)
00 A 13 Greyfriar
RGB (83, 84, 86)
00 E 53 Black
RGB (42, 42, 43)
00 E 55 White
RGB (241, 238, 231)
0001 Sunburst Yellow
RGB (242, 190, 0)
0002 Oxlip
RGB (237, 169, 30)
0003 Golden Yellow
RGB (237, 158, 0)
0004 Tangerine Orange
RGB (233, 123, 49)
0005 Poppy
RGB (200, 55, 42)
0006 Post Office Red
RGB (153, 41, 45)
0007 Afghan Red
RGB (142, 61, 73)
0008 Lime
RGB (204, 191, 60)
0009 Parakeet
RGB (168, 161, 54)
001 Hawaiian Sun
RGB (255, 200, 37)
0010 Amazon Green
RGB (34, 129, 91)