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Match 640 paints from Diamond Vogel with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Diamond Vogel paint by mixing other colors. Convert Diamond Vogel paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
Paint 7141 Midnight Affair
RGB (69, 61, 75)
Paint 7142 Jubilation
RGB (114, 105, 127)
Paint 7143 Pandora's Purple
RGB (135, 126, 147)
Paint 7144 Italian Iris
RGB (173, 167, 186)
Paint 7145 Wisteria Wish
RGB (198, 186, 203)
Paint 7146 Last Of The Lilacs
RGB (210, 201, 213)
Paint 7147 Lavender Laugh
RGB (225, 218, 225)
Paint 7148 Lilac Frost
RGB (238, 235, 234)
Paint 7149 Royal Rajah
RGB (83, 66, 100)
Paint 7150 Regal Jewel
RGB (133, 122, 162)
Paint 7151 Lilac Garden
RGB (160, 151, 188)
Paint 7152 Teresa's True Color
RGB (189, 179, 208)
Paint 7153 Lavender Lilac
RGB (206, 196, 221)
Paint 7154 Spring Crocus
RGB (225, 218, 231)
Paint 7155 Pale Pansy
RGB (233, 228, 234)
Paint 7156 Lilac Lass
RGB (237, 233, 235)
Paint 7229 Pantry Plum
RGB (60, 64, 76)
Paint 7230 Flirty Fran
RGB (90, 101, 121)
Paint 7231 Pale Orchid
RGB (125, 139, 159)
Paint 7232 Purpley Puff
RGB (156, 168, 184)