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Match 1403 paints from Devoe Fuller with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Devoe Fuller paint by mixing other colors. Convert Devoe Fuller paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
Devoe and Fuller 1C101 Cascade White
RGB (228, 235, 231)
Devoe and Fuller 1C102 Soft Rain
RGB (224, 235, 230)
Devoe and Fuller 1C103 Jade Cream
RGB (223, 235, 227)
Devoe and Fuller 1C104 Cool Mint
RGB (221, 237, 228)
Devoe and Fuller 1C105 Aegean Aqua
RGB (205, 226, 219)
Devoe and Fuller 1C11 Snowflake
RGB (234, 233, 231)
Devoe and Fuller 1C111 Nordic White
RGB (228, 235, 228)
Devoe and Fuller 1C112 Frosted Glass
RGB (227, 235, 229)
Devoe and Fuller 1C113 Country Mist
RGB (222, 235, 229)
Devoe and Fuller 1C114 Aspen Light
RGB (223, 238, 227)
Devoe and Fuller 1C115 Porcelain Green
RGB (208, 227, 214)
Devoe and Fuller 1C12 Arctic Lilac
RGB (235, 233, 231)
Devoe and Fuller 1C121 Isle Mist
RGB (233, 235, 230)
Devoe and Fuller 1C122 Peaceful White
RGB (229, 235, 230)
Devoe and Fuller 1C123 Meadow Light
RGB (227, 236, 225)
Devoe and Fuller 1C124 Sage White
RGB (226, 235, 226)
Devoe and Fuller 1C125 Patina White
RGB (208, 227, 211)
Devoe and Fuller 1C13 Fairy Primrose
RGB (234, 233, 233)
Devoe and Fuller 1C131 Trellis White
RGB (232, 233, 230)
Devoe and Fuller 1C132 Everfrost
RGB (230, 235, 226)