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Match 2983 paints from Coronado Paints with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Coronado Paints paint by mixing other colors. Convert Coronado Paints paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
0020 Bonaire
RGB (230, 225, 214)
1 Gloss White
RGB (243, 242, 233)
1 White
RGB (238, 236, 229)
103 Platinum Gray
RGB (167, 167, 161)
108 Terra Cotta
RGB (116, 38, 27)
109 Battleship Gray
RGB (103, 108, 108)
1090 Antique White
RGB (237, 226, 209)
110 Sandstone
RGB (189, 160, 131)
136 Osha Red
RGB (159, 6, 10)
137 Osha Blue
RGB (0, 116, 168)
138 Mack Green
RGB (33, 68, 48)
139 Osha Orange
RGB (218, 98, 37)
142 International Orange
RGB (202, 65, 27)
144 Caterpillar Yellow
RGB (211, 138, 31)
149 Osha Green
RGB (78, 138, 98)
150 National Blue
RGB (0, 69, 101)
151 Osha Yellow
RGB (248, 180, 0)
178 Oxford Brown
RGB (64, 46, 37)
2 Black
RGB (23, 23, 25)
201 Silver Gray
RGB (145, 149, 145)