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Match 78 paints from Columbia Coatings with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Columbia Coatings paint by mixing other colors. Convert Columbia Coatings paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
AG Yellow I798002
RGB (228, 199, 69)
Almond Polyester S5781007
RGB (220, 208, 185)
Anodized Aluminum I4702014
RGB (192, 193, 192)
Anthractic Gray TGIC S1792046
RGB (77, 82, 85)
Antique White Urethane S2740006
RGB (232, 213, 184)
Argent Silver TGIC M1672020
RGB (184, 185, 184)
Baby Blue TGIC S5174050
RGB (163, 210, 218)
Bengal Silver TGIC M1672023
RGB (193, 195, 196)
Blood Red Urethane S1796025
RGB (155, 60, 61)
Bright Yellow Hybrid W47880011
RGB (252, 204, 82)
Bronze TGIC M1642006
RGB (75, 74, 74)
Brown Chocolate TGIC S1791028
RGB (125, 94, 70)
Burgundy TGIC S1796026
RGB (116, 62, 65)
Cast Iron I740009
RGB (95, 93, 90)
Cat Yellow I798001
RGB (195, 140, 74)
Champagne Polyester M5640021
RGB (164, 155, 142)
Chevy Orange I7997006
RGB (200, 78, 57)
Cloud Blue TGIC S1794015
RGB (48, 142, 184)
Cobalt Blue TGIC S1794053
RGB (0, 138, 172)
Coral Orange TGIC S1797031
RGB (206, 113, 92)