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Match 72 paints from CertainTeed with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get CertainTeed paint by mixing other colors. Convert CertainTeed paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
1 Arbor Blend
RGB (161, 147, 131)
10 Pacific Blue
RGB (107, 122, 129)
11 Ivy Green
RGB (114, 131, 127)
12 Barn Red
RGB (153, 93, 88)
13 Flagstone
RGB (134, 138, 141)
14 Granite Gray
RGB (147, 144, 141)
15 Oxford Blue
RGB (153, 163, 169)
16 Cypress
RGB (166, 163, 140)
17 Buckskin
RGB (185, 154, 123)
18 Natural Clay
RGB (153, 139, 123)
19 Suede
RGB (179, 160, 132)
2 Arctic Blend
RGB (179, 176, 171)
20 Savannah Wicker
RGB (190, 174, 150)
21 Sterling Gray
RGB (186, 184, 178)
22 Sandpiper
RGB (219, 197, 160)
23 Light Maple
RGB (220, 200, 174)
24 Desert Tan
RGB (217, 205, 184)
26 Silver Ash
RGB (204, 195, 186)
27 Herringbone
RGB (223, 219, 208)
28 Summer Wheat
RGB (224, 211, 196)