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Match 112 paints from Cerakote with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Cerakote paint by mixing other colors. Convert Cerakote paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
AI Dark Earth H250
RGB (116, 94, 72)
Armor Black H190
RGB (70, 70, 71)
Barrett Bronze H259
RGB (92, 80, 75)
Barrett Brown H269
RGB (124, 101, 80)
Battleship Grey H213
RGB (176, 183, 187)
Bazooka Pink H244
RGB (227, 159, 171)
Benelli Sand H143
RGB (192, 178, 150)
Blue Raspberry H329
RGB (83, 189, 224)
Blue Titanium H185
RGB (79, 103, 112)
Bright Purple H217
RGB (108, 96, 131)
Bright White H140
RGB (232, 235, 230)
Cadex Tan H308
RGB (127, 111, 94)
Charcoal Green H338
RGB (92, 103, 100)
Chocolate Brown H258
RGB (96, 86, 80)
Citron H324
RGB (229, 248, 154)
Cobalt H112
RGB (80, 79, 78)
Cobalt Kinetics Green H296
RGB (93, 89, 80)
Cobalt Kinetics Slate H295
RGB (89, 96, 102)
Combat Grey H130
RGB (79, 85, 92)
Copper Brown H149
RGB (120, 96, 82)