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Match 8139 paints from Behr with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Behr paint by mixing other colors. Convert Behr paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
100A1 Barely Pink
RGB (247, 236, 241)
100A2 Be Mine
RGB (245, 227, 234)
100A3 Scented Valentine
RGB (245, 212, 225)
100B4 Pink Chintz
RGB (241, 191, 212)
100B5 Springtime Bloom
RGB (221, 135, 174)
100B6 Fuchsia Kiss
RGB (203, 107, 152)
100B7 Hot Pink
RGB (176, 69, 114)
100C1 Cupid Arrow
RGB (248, 228, 232)
100C2 Cool Pink
RGB (230, 204, 211)
100C3 Birthday Candle
RGB (207, 160, 173)
100D4 Degas Pink
RGB (176, 122, 139)
100D5 Berries And Cream
RGB (159, 101, 115)
100D6 Rose Garland
RGB (131, 82, 95)
100D7 Maroon
RGB (117, 70, 88)
100E1 Coquette
RGB (231, 221, 223)
100E2 Mauve Mist
RGB (223, 212, 215)
100E3 Pastel Violet
RGB (205, 187, 190)
100F4 Dark Lilac
RGB (184, 163, 167)
100F5 Gypsy Magic
RGB (144, 122, 128)
100F6 Plum Shale
RGB (119, 97, 102)