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Match 36 paints from Alcan with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Alcan paint by mixing other colors. Convert Alcan paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
1363 Grey (Calculated Match)
RGB (126, 128, 127)
1371 Dover Grey (Calculated Match)
RGB (165, 161, 154)
1381 Slate (Calculated Match)
RGB (99, 98, 95)
1382 Pearl (Calculated Match)
RGB (199, 192, 180)
1383 Sage (Calculated Match)
RGB (186, 181, 168)
2325 Cypress (Calculated Match)
RGB (160, 162, 146)
3200 Blue (Calculated Match)
RGB (91, 115, 123)
6597 Cream (Calculated Match)
RGB (213, 199, 173)
6659 Sandalwood (Calculated Match)
RGB (184, 166, 148)
6974 Chesnut Brown (Calculated Match)
RGB (68, 44, 38)
6983 Nutmeg (Calculated Match)
RGB (61, 41, 31)
8103 White (Calculated Match)
RGB (220, 223, 220)
DS12 Sumac (Calculated Match)
RGB (164, 132, 115)
DS13 Forest Green (Calculated Match)
RGB (39, 86, 56)
DS16 Hickory (Calculated Match)
RGB (147, 139, 126)
DS2 Brown Black (Calculated Match)
RGB (77, 66, 62)
DS21 Chocolate Brown (Calculated Match)
RGB (101, 76, 61)
DS4 Colonial Red (Calculated Match)
RGB (105, 59, 54)
DS7 Black (Calculated Match)
RGB (43, 45, 46)
DS8 Coral (Calculated Match)
RGB (227, 207, 182)