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How to use "get mix"?
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Do you have a specific color in mind that you want to achieve? With Trycolors' "Get Mix" function, you can easily find the perfect combination of colors and their proportions to get as close as possible to your target color.
Here's how to use it:
1. Go to the mixer page
2. Enable the target color by clicking on the "Target" switch located on the right-hand side of the canvas.
3. Pick your desired color by clicking on the color pane, entering its hex code in the text field, uploading an image, or searching through our catalog of 200,000 brand paints.
4. Close the color picker modal window
5. Click "GET MIX" button
6. Trycolors will automatically calculate the perfect combination and proportions of starting colors to get a color as close as possible to your target.
7. Below the ADD button, you'll see a color match percentage that indicates how closely the mix matches your target color. The higher the percentage, the closer the match.
That's it! With Trycolors' "Get Mix" function, achieving your desired color has never been easier. Give it a try today and see how it can help you create beautiful colors!